2018/12/11 | |
兼任講師-陳振裕 |
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陳振裕分機 : Email : cmh940106@gmail.com PROFILE職稱 : 兼任講師 學歷 : 成功大學體育健康與休閒研究所 專長 : 運動傷害與保健 、肌肉骨骼與神經系統復健、高齡者復健、運動處方 教授課程 : 運動按摩、運動貼紮 經歷 : 1.屏東基督教醫院物理治療師(92-94) 2.奇美醫學中心物理治療師(94-迄今) 3.樹人醫護管理專科學校兼任講師 4.嘉南藥理科技大學兼任講師 5.臺南市物理治療師公會理事 6.臺灣腫瘤癌症運動促進學會 WORK期刊論文
1. Li, S. C., Chen, C. Y., Liu, N. Y., Chen, C. M., & Huang, H. M. (2019, Oct 10-12). Implementing ABCDE Bundle in Medical Intensive Care Unit: A single Medical Center Experience in Taiwan. 8th Annual Johns Hopkins Critical Care Rehabilitation Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2. Chen, C. Y., Hsiao, P. C., Ho, C. H., Yang, S. Y., & Chou, W. (2019, June 9-13). Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Physical Therapists in Taiwan: A Nationwide Study. 13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress, Kobe, Japan. 3. Chen, C. Y., Tsai, C. L., Ye, J. N., & Chou, W. (2016, Oct 12-15). The association between physical activity and visuo-spatial attentional performance in the elderly: An event-related potential study. 2016 Sports Medicine Australia Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, AU. 4. Chen, C. Y., Tseng, Y. T., & Tsai, C. L. (2011, May 31-June 4). Difference of inhibitory control function between the elderly with different levels of physical activity. ACSM’s 58th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. 5. 曾鈺婷,蔡佳良,王駿濠,陳振裕。(2010,6月)。不同身體活動量男性老年人執行視覺空間注意力之認知電生理表現。台灣運動生理暨體能領域學術研討會。台灣師範大學,台北。 6. Chen, C. Y., Wang, C. H., Tseng, K. D., & Tsai, C. L. (2010, June 1-5). The difference of executive function between the older adults with different levels of physical activity. ACSM’s 57th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 專書
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